





What You Write Can Transform a Life!

The Open Book Writers Group consists of talented experts in the field of writing, publishing and marketing who helps writers (from a Christian perspective) advance from a book concept to a completed manuscript, with a solid marketing plan for continued authorship success.

The Open Book Writers Group empowers authors to write in such a way that it educates, motivates and resonates with their core audience to such a degree, that people want to open their book and read it.



Why Should You Consider The Open Book Writer’s Group?

The Open Book Writer’s Group takes a holistic approach to training authors to become great business leaders using their authorship as a springboard.

We are a comprehensive and complete resource to writers who desire to gain understanding of how to navigate their path to mastery and advance as trusted expert leaders, authoritative voices, and disciplined disciples while exploring business growth opportunities.

The Open Book Writer’s Group is diverse. We embrace a wide range of social and ethnic backgrounds. We welcome a dynamic student body that contributes to our development and equips us to meet the demands of the organization.

We are an all-inclusive entity. We offer the opportunity for authors to complete their manuscript while providing them with basic and foundational understanding of business development, operations, marketing, public relations, and the benefits of networking and building teams. We support authors in becoming entrepreneurs as stewards of their book, their brand, and their business/ministry.

We’re a collaborative unit. We shape every author’s passion for literacy and the written word and focus on the composition of impactful and well-researched manuscripts from beginning to endThe Open Book Writer’s Group houses a faith-based team of professionals comprised of full-time staff, faculty, and administration who embrace the fivefold ministry gifts within the four walls of the church as well as in the marketplace. 

Get This FREE E-Book!

This Free e-Book will provide step-by-step advice on putting together an impressive manuscript, including how to come up with a great book idea, effective ways to organize your manuscript, and essential tips for polishing your story.

Whether you're starting from scratch or revising an existing manuscript, this e-Book will give you the tools and techniques you need to write a book that people want to read.

Skills obtained through our hands-on, interactive courses will equip authors to advance from book concept to a finished product, with a solid plan for continued authorship success.

Students will Learn:

     How to overcome fear, procrastination, and the paralysis that comes as a result of not knowing where to start

     How to position themselves in the marketplace and expand their brand through the launch of their first book

     How to expand their reach through broadcast media

     The basics of how to merge literacy with the foundations of business, sales, and marketing

     Foundations of how to operate in business ethically

     Authorship as it relates to copyright and intellectual property of their book

     To embrace and expand upon their legacy through the most permanent form of record-keeping; the written word

     How to nurture business relationships

     How to build an effective team as a self-publisher

     Traditional Publishing Basics

     The components of Self-publishing

     Marketing and Sales Strategies

Read our Blog to get insightful tips on how to write a book that people will want to read!

There is Power in the Written Word!

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